Trainee activities

Next to your assignment you will spend around 20% of your working time with Trainee activities. In a variety of events it is all about networking and knowledge-sharing across departments, across borders and even across companies. And you can take it even further with your own ideas!
Trainee meetings
The monthly Trainee meetings are a place to share topics with the other Trainees: Presentations about your assignments, a discussion about a current topic also with additionally invited colleagues or organisational topics.
Trainee consultancy
The Trainee consultancy collects short-term projects from the businesses which benefit from an interdisciplinary, unbiased and motivated project group. The Trainees work on those projects in a self-organized project team giving them the chance to gain first-hand experience on project management and increase their visibility throughout the company.
Networking Events
During the Networking Events representatives from different departments will present their work to the Trainees and have a chat with them. Those events are not only used to build up a network but also to get a feeling for potential new assignments.
Energiedragers is a Trainee cooperation of the five biggest Dutch energy network operators to efficiently tackle common topics whilst learning from and with each other in a fun way.


To go even more international the Trainees established ‘The NETT – The Network of Europe-an TSO Trainees’. Currently including seven different European TSOs, they organise real-life events, virtual brown bag lunches and offer all Trainees a platform to exchange knowledge about energy-related topics. This network was based on ENTSO-E, the European association for the cooperation of TSOs for electricity.

Trainee excursions

Additionally the Trainees come up with own ideas like visiting the Trainee colleagues of 50 Hertz in Berlin to explore our Virtual Vision and listen to exciting presentations of external Policy Advisors.
The Trainee group is a safe space and support system during your working hours. But it does not stop there. We regularly meet each other after work, organise trips or go on a vacation together.

"Being a Trainee means being able to invest time in networking and personal development which, in my opinion, creates a big advantage. Also getting to know the work of TenneT and the connections between the departments in great detail. And most importantly, always having access to the crowd knowledge and experiences of the trainee group, the most supportive network."

Lilith Schacherer, Large Projects Trainee Germany

"The Trainee group is an intercultural mixture of young and motivated people which could be friend, colleague and family in one way."

Anna Schreiber, Supply Chain Management Trainee Germany

"I would say that the typical Trainee is easy going, loves social interaction and is always ready to help. Just one big family."

Aernout Klokgieters, Trainee Netherlands

Interested to join?

Contact our Campus recruiter

Richard Mays, Learning & Development +49 (0) 921 50740 5692
